Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Tone Yutaka

The model is from The Others: Seven Sins game by CMON. As I don't own the game anymore I am using him as an overly roided monk in DnD. He is an ex-butcher who created the way of the Slaughtering Fist. 

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Samurai Dwarves

These old school irresistible little chaps are produced by Forlorn Hope games. On seeing them I just had to get them to paint. These are actually from two different sets, but are the only ones I have painted so far.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Earth Elemental

I painted this guy up to be an earth elemental. he is actually from Mythic Battles: Pantheon. I bought him cheap on ebay to fill the earth elemental sized gap in the DnD collection.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

The Tavern is Coming Along

With tiles from Black Scroll Games the scenery that me and Marisa have painted is really coming together. 

Apparently drinks are half price here and the Mogwai dances for gold. Now all it needs is some drink shelving instead of chests, a keg, the final bar part and some actual staff!

Friday, 23 February 2018

Plaguebearers Finished!

The first ten plaguebearers have been painted fully. They look better than my ones and I am really happy with the new range of Games Workshops drybrush paints. Only 2 more to go :D

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Plaguebearers 2nd Batch

Second lot complete! I really like the sculpts on these new plaguebearers, gross as always but they have more charm.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Plaguebearer Commission

I have been commissioned to paint 65 Nurgle daemons and pox walkers. the first five have gone down very well. I am looking forward to painting the rest.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Sea Monster

The miniature is from the game The Others: The Seven Sins. I have no interest in the actual game and bought it merely for the amazing sculpts within. This guy has risen to the top of my favourites within the core set.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Stromcast Eternals: Shadespire

Having just won a Shadespire tournament on Saturday, I figured I should at least paint my force properly.

I decided to go for a different scheme in order for them to stand out against the other common Stormcast schemes.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Orcs: Massive Darkness and Bones

The Orc on the right was one of the first miniatures that I painted a couple of years ago, he is a bones reaper ogre, but my DnD campaign needed a massive orc boss. The Massive Darkness Ogre I painted some time back. But both I re-based today.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Squid men of the Deep

More The Others: Seven Sins miniatures. Great for a pirate themed skirmish game or a DnD game in the underdark, these dudes make for the perfect sea bound villains.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Spectral Snakes

These came with one of the new DnD/Pathfinder pre-painted miniatures. I can't remember which one that it came with but I wanted to see how just washes worked on them. Three coats of wash and a gloss varnish did this miniature wonders.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Thunderbirds are Go!

I recently finished painting this as a birthday gift. Research for the little vehicles was hard but well worth the time. I feel a great sense of achievement having completed the entire set plus an expansion. Marisa helped paint the larger stuff while I focused on the smaller people, vehicles and Tracy Island.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Cave Evil: The Wizards

I bought The Others: 7 Sins for these five miniatures. Cutting the two small guys apart was difficult but now they act as the mini wizards for the game. These were painted up as a birthday gift.