Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Lo Wang: Ancient Legend and Guardian Monk

A new player joined my level 16 campaign and chose to be a goliath monk of an ancient long dead civilisation. Frozen to act as a guard for the tomb, Lo Wang was the only survivor. Discovered by the party he aided them in their greatest hour of need and later also one punched a god... yes that happened -.-'

I had no models to meet his characters description, burly, masked and uses knuckle dusters to fight. After some thought and rummaging I found this guy from one of the Age of Sigmar starter box sets. Turns out he was perfect!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Kaiba Au

I received a War Machine miniature as a stocking filler and in my frustration of gluing it, I decided  to just give her new hands. One is a zombie hand and the other a lizardman's. She stands almost double the height of a standard heroic scale figure.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Turtle Clan Duo: Rising Sun

Two dudes from the Turtle clan in Rising Sun. I decided to go with more of an orc colour scheme for these two as they look like they are part oni.

Sunday, 28 January 2018


For better or worse ladies (and sometimes men) of the night turn up in rpg settings. It is something I have never had any models for and last week the adventurers ended up heading to a brothel, combat started and all the women had to be represented by warriors. 

Myself and Marisa decided to pour through all of my spare miniatures and we found these two. One a zombicide zombie and the other a female model from Conan. She painted the zombie (left) and I painted the other.

Now if the situation occurs again, we will have at least a couple of models, alongside their armed counter parts.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Gus the Killer Gorllia

Every week in our DnD sessions one of the party turns into a giant ape, so I decided some time back I would buy one. Since owning him he has come into many conflicts. 

He is a Crooked Dice model and came in four parts.

Last week me and Marisa started playing A Fist Full of Kung Fu by Osprey games. This guy became my gangs protagonist and it has led to many good times. 

Friday, 26 January 2018

Conan the Board Game Characters

After being given the Conan game as a gift for my DMing skills, I painted up a bunch of mobs in various schemes for DnD and then got on with these two. One is the daughter of a ruthless barbarian household and the other a pirate leader.  

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Three Barbarians, Two New and One Old

 Oak Eater is an old Age of Sigmar Model that I recently painted up to look like a druidic barbarian.

The Skinner is the first barbarian model I painted. I wanted him to look really nasty so I added some gore to his base.

A Massive Darkness ogre. Painted up to be part of the anti-magic investigation squad. I don't imagine he does the investigating, just the punishing.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

One Old and One New

The first is a Zombicide Black Plague miniature that I painted up some time ago. I used her as my blind oracle character in pathfinder. She used a heavy crossbow as her main weapon. 

The second is a Massive Darkness assassin who is now a main npc in my DnD campaign.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Monday, 8 January 2018

Faustus the Sorcerer

Faustus was the first Forgeworld Model in my collection. I am still pleased with his paint job. He was was re-painted for the release of Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition. 

Photographed by Chris Lydamore.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Scabeiathrax the Bloated: The Forgeworld Archdaemon of Nurgle

This guy was my main present for my 30th birthday. I am thrilled with him and he was a job to paint. So grim that sometimes when I look at him, he makes me feel slightly unwell. He is by far the largest model that I have painted and also one of the most fun.

He was collected on one of my visits to Warhammer World.

Photographed by Chris Lydamore.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Jostien: Captain of the Canis Aureus

My favourite Wolf Lord Model that I have created. Made from various marine parts, Jostien is a totally customised marine.