Friday, 24 March 2017

eBay Cultists

Last week I purchased 20 cultists on eBay for a bargain price.  They came today and I painted 11 and one custom genestealer cultists/daemonette (Back left)

Trying to keep to my rule of when it turns up paint it, otherwise it will just become part of the never ending pile...

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Creating Chaos Spawn

Illustration from the Chaos Space Marine codex

"A Chaos Spawn is a mindless mutant creature who once belonged to one of the intelligent races of the galaxy and who has become so mutated through his or her servitude to Chaos that he or she has devolved into a twisted and insane abomination. Those seeking immortality and power through the ultimate attainment of daemonhood in service to the Ruinous Powers face the constant possibility of being reduced to Chaos Spawn, either by accumulating too many mutations or being cast aside by their Chaos patrons as unworthy of further advancement because of their consistent failure to serve the will of the Chaos Gods. More simply, they may lack the inherent qualities required for successful leadership of other Chaotic servants and thus be of no further use to their patrons. Chaos warband members who are transformed into Chaos Spawn will either be abandoned by their former comrades or kept as pets or as cannon fodder, to be herded into battle along with the rest of the Lost and the Damned." - Warhammer Wiki

Stepping into the world of Chaos with my Space Marine army I was expecting Chaos Spawn to look like a mix of the Thing and Tetsuo in Akira. Instead we are faced with this:

Rather than investing in these PG certificate daemons, I decided to make my own out of spare bits and greenstuff. this is the result.

In making this chaos spawn I wanted to get across the hopelessness of the champion that has been corrupted.  Cursed for being unworthy of the power that they could not comprehend.  I intend to make another five in time, but for now this little chap should do.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017


In my pursuit of making a Chaos army on the cheap I have decided to make obliterators and maulers from bits of old marines that I had lying around. These are my first big conversions that I have attempted.

So far I have finished three obliterators and started on one mauler.  I remembered to take some progress shots this time. They have not only performed incredibly well on the table but also received a lot of compliments during games.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Developing the Tau

A week ago my girlfriend Marisa decided that she did not want her tyranid army anymore.  Despite their sparkly exterior, she felt she would play Warhammer 40k more if she had an army she enjoyed playing.  After some consideration she dispensed with her army on ebay and we swiftly purchased a new one with the money (Also double the size!)

In order to fully support her decision I wanted to come up with a paint scheme that was quick to complete but effective.  Once she had decided on a scheme I got to work on a stealth suit and a kroot.

The stealth suit came out far better than I had expected. Edging miniatures is not my strength as I have really shaky hands, but considering my handicap I was pretty happy with the final result.  It took me around 20 mins to do from start to finish.

This kroot took me around ten minutes.  I wanted to come up with a scheme that was really quick and easy as she has 34 of them. A base of purple, with two lighter purples as a highlight. A dark green for the clothing and weapons, a wash of black and then an edging of light mint green to finish.

Neither are properly based as we will do them all at once.  I am hoping I get the chance to paint one or two more because it was great fun.

Monday, 20 March 2017

A Knight Approaches

A friend acquired two imperial knights for a mere £80.  He didn't need both so I bought one.  Even though the pink had some appeal, I wanted to match it to my army.  Before painting this the Deredeo was the largest miniature I had painted.  

Sticking to my policy of trying to paint miniatures the day I get them, I painted this the same day I received it and finished the highlights the next morning. Despite my apprehension I am very happy with him.

Gottfried the Imperial Knight

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Arcadia Quest Inferno

It finally arrived and as soon as the box was open I started painting.

The first was this burly gentleman and today I completed an entire team and a pet for our Arcadia Quest Pets Campaign Session. They came out on top too :D

Friday, 3 March 2017

A Heretic and the Loyalists

With my games expanding I am allying with different factions.  this means that my heretical Canis Aureus cannot hack it anymore, I need some loyalists to ally with Imperial factions.

The Loyalists

Today I painted some loyalist marines and also one of my head heretics: Ferenus Gothchannius Biobelis

Ferenus Gothchannius Biobelis