Today was the big day of Armies on Parade 2018. It is the first time I have entered the competition and I made my board within 3 weeks of the deadline, along with getting a new job. Time constraints were tough but it was great fun.
Thanks to Ben who runs the Games Workshop in Bromley, I decided to enter the show this year. Having received the new Kill Team boxset as a gift from a client for my work, I decided to go with a Nurgle Carnival theme.
Being tight on cash I decided to make the scenery myself. The carousel was made from a box, a pencil, glue and green stuff. I used spare nurglings from a box of nurglings I never built from a long time ago to decorate it.
The petting zoo was made from an old fish tank coral, which I glue gunned a little on and painted up in a lurid way to match the rest of the show.
While the Freak Show, Magician, Fortune Teller and Ringmaster all are standing on painted boxes.
Finally the King Himself was my birthday gift from Marisa for my 30th birthday. He is still one of my favourite models and painting him was a real treat.
Next year I shall enter it again but with more time and a greater vision. I was inspired a lot by what I saw and narrowly missed out on Best Theme. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to next year.